Tenant Participation
We are committed to providing quality services for our tenants and we want all tenants to be able to participate in shaping the service that they receive. To achieve this, we want to talk to tenants and hear their views and ensure that we are delivering a service which meets their needs and expectations.
Our current draft Tenant Participation Strategy sets out how we plan to work in partnership with our tenants.
Our Housing Charter report card tells you how we are performing.
Getting Involved
If you would like to get involved in important decisions that affect your home and your community, there are a number of ways you can do this, and it doesn’t always mean having to come to meetings.
Tenants’ and Residents’ Groups: some tenants choose to become formally involved in the form of either nonregistered or registered tenants’ and residents’ groups. Becoming a Registered Tenants Organisation (RTO) gives groups a recognised role in the decision-making process and are supported by grant funding. Contact details for our RTOs are published on a public register held within the Registered Tenants Organisation section along with the guidance and application form.
Register of interested tenants: tenants who join the register will be contacted for their views on areas of the Housing Service that are of interest to them. This allows you to have a say on the issues that matter to you and get involved from the comfort of your own home.
Local and Angus-wide tenants groups: if you would like to be more actively involved, we can provide training and cover your expenses to attend meetings.
Scrutineers: A group which comes together for a few weeks to review a part of the Housing service.
E-Newsletter: We're launching an electronic newsletter for tenants designed to keep you informed, engaged, and connected. Want to stay updated? Join our mailing list to receive your copy directly in your inbox.
Do you have a story to share, tips for your neighbours, or ideas for improving our services? We’re inviting all tenants to contribute to the newsletter.
If you are interested in any of these opportunities email us at TenantParticipation@angus.gov.uk
What's going on in Angus
Our calendar of Tenant Participation events and activities includes information on local community and resident meetings, consultation events, neighbourhood walk abouts and neighbourhood pop-up events planned throughout Angus. We are in the process of developing our Tenant Participation Strategy. If you would like to become part of the group, involved in any events and activities or would like more information please get in touch by emailing TenantParticipation@angus.gov.uk
Current Consultations
Your feedback matters! Please take a moment to review and share your thoughts on our current consultations below:
We work with tenants every year to explore options for the annual rent review. Your rent funds almost all of our housing services, so we aim to balance keeping rent affordable while ensuring there’s enough funding to improve homes and services that matter to you.
Your voice matters! By sharing your views on the Rent Consultation survey, you help shape decisions about rent levels, ensure transparency, and hold the Council accountable for how your rent is spent.