Tenant Participation

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We are committed to providing quality services for our tenants and we want all tenants to be able to participate in shaping the service that they receive. To achieve this, we want to talk to tenants and hear their views and ensure that we are delivering a service which meets their needs and expectations.

Our current Tenant Participation Strategy sets out how we plan to work in partnership with our tenants.

Our Housing Charter report card tells you how we are performing.

Getting involved

If you would like to get involved in important decisions that affect your home and your community, there are a number of ways you can do this, and it doesn’t always mean having to come to meetings.

Register of interested tenants: tenants who join the register will be contacted for their views on areas of the Housing Service that are of interest to them. This allows you to have a say on the issues that matter to you and get involved from the comfort of your own home.

Local and Angus-wide tenants groups: if you would like to be more actively involved, we can provide training and cover your expenses to attend meetings.

Scrutineers: A group which comes together for a few weeks to review a part of the Housing service.

E-Newsletter: We're launching an electronic newsletter for tenants designed to keep you informed, engaged, and connected. Want to stay updated? Join our mailing list below to receive your copy directly in your inbox.

Do you have a story to share, tips for your neighbours, or ideas for improving our services? We’re inviting all tenants to contribute to the newsletter.


If you are interested in any of these opportunities email us at TenantParticipation@angus.gov.uk

What's going on in Angus

Our calendar of Tenant Participation events and activities includes information on local community and resident meetings, consultation events, neighbourhood walk abouts and neighbourhood pop-up events planned throughout Angus. We are in the process of developing our Tenant Participation Strategy. If you would like to become part of the group, involved in any events and activities or would like more information please get in touch by emailing TenantParticipation@angus.gov.uk

We are committed to providing quality services for our tenants and we want all tenants to be able to participate in shaping the service that they receive. To achieve this, we want to talk to tenants and hear their views and ensure that we are delivering a service which meets their needs and expectations.

Our current Tenant Participation Strategy sets out how we plan to work in partnership with our tenants.

Our Housing Charter report card tells you how we are performing.

Getting involved

If you would like to get involved in important decisions that affect your home and your community, there are a number of ways you can do this, and it doesn’t always mean having to come to meetings.

Register of interested tenants: tenants who join the register will be contacted for their views on areas of the Housing Service that are of interest to them. This allows you to have a say on the issues that matter to you and get involved from the comfort of your own home.

Local and Angus-wide tenants groups: if you would like to be more actively involved, we can provide training and cover your expenses to attend meetings.

Scrutineers: A group which comes together for a few weeks to review a part of the Housing service.

E-Newsletter: We're launching an electronic newsletter for tenants designed to keep you informed, engaged, and connected. Want to stay updated? Join our mailing list below to receive your copy directly in your inbox.

Do you have a story to share, tips for your neighbours, or ideas for improving our services? We’re inviting all tenants to contribute to the newsletter.


If you are interested in any of these opportunities email us at TenantParticipation@angus.gov.uk

What's going on in Angus

Our calendar of Tenant Participation events and activities includes information on local community and resident meetings, consultation events, neighbourhood walk abouts and neighbourhood pop-up events planned throughout Angus. We are in the process of developing our Tenant Participation Strategy. If you would like to become part of the group, involved in any events and activities or would like more information please get in touch by emailing TenantParticipation@angus.gov.uk

  • We would like your views on our draft Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Land Disposal Policy:

    Once you have had time to read and consider all information enclosed within these documents, please complete the survey below. 

    We intend on using the findings of this survey to inform a finalised policy draft. This survey will provide residents of Angus an active voice in the development of this policy as well as consider everyone’s views prior to committee approval. 


    Angus Council currently receive requests to sell small parcels of council-owned land; to sell attic/roof spaces shared in common between council and ex-council stock; and to grant servitude rights of access over council-owned land. 

    This policy aims to outline the procedure(s) Angus Council will adopt when disposing of small parcels of council-owned land and/or granting servitude rights of access over council-owned land. It will also make clear Angus Council’s stance in relation to the disposal of attic/roof spaces shared in common between council and ex-council properties. 

    Angus Council acknowledge multiple benefits from developing a clear policy for the disposal of small parcels of council-owned land and/or the granting of servitude rights of access over council-owned land. This includes, but is not limited to, the following: 

    • Consistency in approach when dealing with these types of requests. 
    • Clearly outlining relevant criteria for staff to refer to, which will:
      • Promote the disposal of land with unnecessary maintenance costs. 
      • Re-distribute successful sale contributions back into the HRA. Any income generated from the sale of small parcels of HRA land and/or the granting of servitude rights of access, will be utilised for environmental improvements etc., to benefit council tenants.  
      • Ease the burden for the CHT when managing council stock. 
      • As above, provide opportunities to improve and/or convert otherwise disused land into positive community developments.
    • Addressing situations where multiple parties show interest in the same parcel of HRA land. 
    • Ensuring efficiency in approach, allowing staff resources and time to be more appropriately utilised, whilst avoiding unnecessary costs.  

    Survey closes 21 September 2024.


    Survey: Draft Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Land Disposal Policy
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  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    The survey is now closed. We will publish a review of responses and announce the winner of the Amazon voucher in August.

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