Tenant Participation

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We are committed to providing quality services for our tenants and we want all tenants to be able to participate in shaping the service that they receive. To achieve this, we want to talk to tenants and hear their views and ensure that we are delivering a service which meets their needs and expectations.

Our current Tenant Participation Strategy sets out how we plan to work in partnership with our tenants.

Our Housing Charter report card tells you how we are performing.

Getting Involved

If you would like to get involved in important decisions that affect your home and your community, there are a number of ways you can do this, and it doesn’t always mean having to come to meetings.

Tenants’ and Residents’ Groups: some tenants choose to become formally involved in the form of either nonregistered or registered tenants’ and residents’ groups. Becoming a Registered Tenants Organisation (RTO) gives groups a recognised role in the decision-making process and are supported by grant funding. Contact details for our RTOs are published on a public register held within the Registered Tenants Organisation section along with the guidance and application form.

Register of interested tenants: tenants who join the register will be contacted for their views on areas of the Housing Service that are of interest to them. This allows you to have a say on the issues that matter to you and get involved from the comfort of your own home.

Local and Angus-wide tenants groups: if you would like to be more actively involved, we can provide training and cover your expenses to attend meetings.

Scrutineers: A group which comes together for a few weeks to review a part of the Housing service.

E-Newsletter: We're launching an electronic newsletter for tenants designed to keep you informed, engaged, and connected. Want to stay updated? Join our mailing list to receive your copy directly in your inbox.

Do you have a story to share, tips for your neighbours, or ideas for improving our services? We’re inviting all tenants to contribute to the newsletter.

If you are interested in any of these opportunities email us at TenantParticipation@angus.gov.uk

What's going on in Angus

Our calendar of Tenant Participation events and activities includes information on local community and resident meetings, consultation events, neighbourhood walk abouts and neighbourhood pop-up events planned throughout Angus. We are in the process of developing our Tenant Participation Strategy. If you would like to become part of the group, involved in any events and activities or would like more information please get in touch by emailing TenantParticipation@angus.gov.uk

Current Consultations

Your feedback matters! Please take a moment to review and share your thoughts on our current consultations below:

There are currently no consultations

We are committed to providing quality services for our tenants and we want all tenants to be able to participate in shaping the service that they receive. To achieve this, we want to talk to tenants and hear their views and ensure that we are delivering a service which meets their needs and expectations.

Our current Tenant Participation Strategy sets out how we plan to work in partnership with our tenants.

Our Housing Charter report card tells you how we are performing.

Getting Involved

If you would like to get involved in important decisions that affect your home and your community, there are a number of ways you can do this, and it doesn’t always mean having to come to meetings.

Tenants’ and Residents’ Groups: some tenants choose to become formally involved in the form of either nonregistered or registered tenants’ and residents’ groups. Becoming a Registered Tenants Organisation (RTO) gives groups a recognised role in the decision-making process and are supported by grant funding. Contact details for our RTOs are published on a public register held within the Registered Tenants Organisation section along with the guidance and application form.

Register of interested tenants: tenants who join the register will be contacted for their views on areas of the Housing Service that are of interest to them. This allows you to have a say on the issues that matter to you and get involved from the comfort of your own home.

Local and Angus-wide tenants groups: if you would like to be more actively involved, we can provide training and cover your expenses to attend meetings.

Scrutineers: A group which comes together for a few weeks to review a part of the Housing service.

E-Newsletter: We're launching an electronic newsletter for tenants designed to keep you informed, engaged, and connected. Want to stay updated? Join our mailing list to receive your copy directly in your inbox.

Do you have a story to share, tips for your neighbours, or ideas for improving our services? We’re inviting all tenants to contribute to the newsletter.

If you are interested in any of these opportunities email us at TenantParticipation@angus.gov.uk

What's going on in Angus

Our calendar of Tenant Participation events and activities includes information on local community and resident meetings, consultation events, neighbourhood walk abouts and neighbourhood pop-up events planned throughout Angus. We are in the process of developing our Tenant Participation Strategy. If you would like to become part of the group, involved in any events and activities or would like more information please get in touch by emailing TenantParticipation@angus.gov.uk

Current Consultations

Your feedback matters! Please take a moment to review and share your thoughts on our current consultations below:

There are currently no consultations

  • Thank You for Taking Part in Our Rent Options Consultation

    Share Thank You for Taking Part in Our Rent Options Consultation on Facebook Share Thank You for Taking Part in Our Rent Options Consultation on Twitter Share Thank You for Taking Part in Our Rent Options Consultation on Linkedin Email Thank You for Taking Part in Our Rent Options Consultation link

    The rent options consultation has now ended, and we would like to thank all our tenants who participated and shared their views.

    What We Asked

    Each year, our housing rent options consultation gets tenant feedback on options for the next year’s rent levels.

    This year, tenants were given three rent increase options:

    • 5.2%
    • 6.7%
    • 8.2%

    The consultation detailed how each option would impact the delivery of key housing improvements including:

    • Bathroom and kitchen replacements
    • New windows and roof replacements
    • Energy efficiency measures
    • Medical adaptations

    We also asked for feedback on:

    • Investment priorities for housing services
    • Whether tenants found it more challenging to pay rent over the past 12 months
    • Suggestions on how we can better provide financial advice and support
    • Satisfaction with the consultation process and the information provided on rent-setting options

    What You Said

    We received 357 responses through our online survey – the highest response rate of any consultation the service has undertaken this year.

    Rent Increase Preferences:
    – 268 respondents (75%) voted for a 5.2% rent increase per year for the next three years.
    – 80 respondents (22.4%) voted for a 6.7% increase.
    – 9 respondents (2.5%) voted for an 8.2% increase.

    Tenant Priorities:
    Feedback highlighted an understanding of the need for rent increases, but tenants emphasised the importance of prioritising investments in improving existing homes and improving repairs and maintenance services.

    Financial Support: 89 respondents (24.9%) reported finding it more difficult to pay their rent over the past 12 months.

    Tenants commented on the need for more regular promotion of financial advice and support, suggesting that this information should be easier to access.

    What Happens Next

    The results of this consultation will be included in a report to be presented to a special rent setting Committee in February 2025. Councillors will use this information to make their decision on rent levels for the coming year.

    The new rent rates will take effect on 31 March 2025.

    Prize Winner Announcement

    As a thank-you for participating, all respondents were entered into a prize draw for a £50 supermarket voucher. We are pleased to announce the winner is Margaret Dunlop from Forfar. Congratulations, Margaret!

    Thank you once again for your input and for helping shape the future of our housing services.

  • Tenant Participation Strategy 2025 - 2028

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    We are delighted to announce that our Tenant Participation Strategy has been approved at the Communities Committee on 26 November 2024, marking a significant milestone in improving how we engage with our tenants and empowering tenants to shape the housing services that matter most to them.

    This strategy was developed in partnership with our tenants, whose voices and experiences have been central throughout the process. From initial consultations to reviewing drafts, tenant representatives played a key role in shaping the strategy to ensure it reflects their needs, priorities, and aspirations.

    The strategy outlines our commitment to communicate effectively with our tenants and provide opportunities for participation and involvement that are accessible to all, ensuring that tenants voices are heard, respected, and at the centre of decision-making.

    Looking ahead, tenants will continue to play an important role in the implementation and monitoring of the strategy. The newly established Tenant Participation Group will meet regularly to track progress, provide feedback, and ensure that the strategy delivers on its promises. We are inviting other tenants who are interested in having their say and getting involved to join the group! If you’d like to participate, please get in touch by emailing tenantparticipation@angus.gov.uk.

    We want to thank all the tenants who contributed their time, ideas, and feedback to this strategy. Your involvement ensures that our approach truly represents the voices of our community.

  • Tenant Participation Survey Results & Amazon Voucher Winner

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    Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete our Tenant Participation Survey in July 2024.

    Congratulations to Miss Charlotte Ferrier from Kirriemuir who won the £ 50 Amazon voucher. Here’s a photo of Miss Ferrier accepting the winning voucher from Gordon Grewar, Tenant Participation Officer.

    The results of this survey are shared below.

    Summary of the Tenants Participation Survey Results:

    • 111 tenants responded in total.
    • The main ages of respondents were over 65 followed by 55-64 and 45-54.
    • 29% of tenants answered that they were not satisfied with the opportunities to participate.
    • 46 % of tenants are interested in joining the Register of Interested Tenants
    • The main issues that mattered to tenants were repairs and maintenance, housing performance and improvement, anti-social behaviour, and housing quality.
    • Email and phone calls are the preferred methods of contact for tenants.

    How can the housing service make it easier for you to participate?

    • Make Tenants more aware of what is happening within their area.
    • Use email or text.
    • Provide opportunities for meeting spots to support people in the Community
    • I require dates in advance as I work shifts.
    • I participated for 18 years and near the end we were just going around in circles by going over the same thing over and over again
    • Be available.
    • The online system for participation is not great. Improvements to that would be helpful. Also, more advertising for any services offered. I work full time and anything I have seen is daytime which I can not attend so varied times and places would be great.
    • Making everyone aware, when possible, to participate. up until this surgery, I didn’t know it was possible.
    • Never heard of it before. So, more info on this monthly and places in Montrose, we can go to.
    • For housing officers and clerks of work to come and talk to tenants in their street.
    • Make messages and discussions simple and to the point, don’t allow deviation and over complication.
    • By sending texts about future meetings - I have no internet access at home, only at the Learning Shop in Arbroath Library.
    • Locally – meetings
    • More surveys will actually be acted on where necessary.
    • More options to take part online and be emailed minutes of meetings.

    Suggestions for improving tenant participation and engagement?

    • Communication, information, and sharing good news stories that could be replicated in other areas.
    • You need to get the message out to all tenants either via post or email.