Tenant Participation Events Calendar
Borrowfield Pop-Up Flat
10am to 1pm
The Pop-Up flat is an opportunity for residents to pop in to meet and talk to Angus Council Housing Officers and Police Scotland.
Pop in for a cuppa and a chat.
60B Newmanswalls Avenue, Borrowfield, Montrose.
For more information call on 0345 277 7778 or email tenantparticipation@angus.gov.uk
Gallowshade Community Links Committee Meeting, St Fergus Church Hall, Forfar, 7pm
Committee meeting with Tenant Participation Officer and residents
Ponderlaw Lane and Wesley Gardens, Arbroath, tenants meeting, 10:30am - 12pm
Tenants meeting with Tenant Participation Officer
Andy Stewart Court Tenants Meeting, Andy Stewart Court, Arbroath, 10:30am - 12pm
Tenants meeting with Tenant Participation Officer
Borrowfield Pop-Up Flat
1:30pm to 4:30pm
The Pop-Up flat is an opportunity for residents to pop in to meet and talk to Angus Council Housing Officers and Police Scotland.
Pop in for a cuppa and a chat.
60B Newmanswalls Avenue, Borrowfield, Montrose.
For more information call on 0345 277 7778 or email tenantparticipation@angus.gov.uk
Borrowfield Pop-Up Flat
10am to 1pm
The Pop-Up flat is an opportunity for residents to pop in to meet and talk to Angus Council Housing Officers and Police Scotland.
Pop in for a cuppa and a chat.
60B Newmanswalls Avenue, Borrowfield, Montrose.
For more information call on 0345 277 7778 or email tenantparticipation@angus.gov.uk
Mayfield/ Cliffburn Area (Arbroath) Estate Walkabout
10am to 1pm
Meet at seating area at Mayfield Shops at 10am.
Estate walkabouts are an opportunity for residents and services to ask questions and get involved in improving your area.
This is an opportunity for residents to have their say.
Services joining the estate walkabout are Angus Council Housing Officers, Police Scotland and Tenant Participation Officers.
There will also be a follow-up session in the afternoon for tenants to discuss the Mayfield/ Cliffburn area.
Arbroath Academy Community Wing: 2pm to 4pm
Please pop in for a cuppa and a chat.
For more information email tenantparticipation@angus.gov.uk