Common Allocation Policy Review - Further Policy Changes
Over the summer of 2024, we consulted on proposed changes to our common allocation policy. As a result, we made changes to the draft policy.
The draft policy was then presented to councillors for approval at committee. Councillors have asked for further changes to the draft policy before they approve it.
How to have your say
We are now inviting your feedback on the most recent revisions to the draft policy.
Please review the:
and then complete the survey.
This will help us finalise the policy and ensure we have considered everyone's views on how we allocate housing.
The Common Housing Register (CHR) is a single housing register, application process and allocation policy. Four social landlords in Angus operate a CHR:
- Angus Council
- Hillcrest Homes
- Caledonia Housing Association
- Blackwood Homes
Allocation Policy
An allocation policy sets out a landlord's aims and objectives when allocating properties. The policy must comply with relevant legislation, regulatory standards and statutory guidance.
The current Common Allocations Policy was approved by the Communities Committee in September 2017.
It was implemented in November 2020 with the introduction of Angus HomeFinder: an online application and choice-based lettings system.
Reviewing the policy
A full review of the policy ensures that it continues to:
- comply with all relevant legislation, statutory guidance and policy developments
- meets the needs of applicants, tenants, landlords and other key stakeholders
- makes the best use of the properties available to allocate
The review also considers whether a choice-based lettings approach is the right way to deliver the policy's objectives.
When reviewing the policy we needed to consider:
- the aim of the policy and the outcomes it seeks to achieve
- what will and what will not be considered when allocating properties
- the priority for housing given to applicants depending on their housing needs
- how we give reasonable preference to the groups set out in legislation
- information about assessing and verifying applicants' needs
- house size eligibility criteria
- criteria to allow participating landlords to flexibly allocate homes to people with exceptional circumstances
- arrangements for suspending applicants from receiving offers
- the appeals and complaints processes
- arrangements for monitoring and reviewing the policy
Initial engagement
We asked tenants, applicants and staff for their views on the existing policy. We had lots of feedback, both positive and negative. We have used this feedback to inform the policy review.
The key changes relate to:
- priority bandings
- application categories
- suspension timeframes
- eligibility criteria for applications from outwith Angus
- bedroom entitlement
65% of people we engaged with agreed with continuing a choice-based lettings approach, where we advertise available properties. The revised policy sets out that we will continue with this approach.