Active travel in Kirriemuir

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Consultation has concluded

Help us create a better environment to walk, wheel and cycle in Kirriemuir.

About active travel

Active travel means travelling in physically active ways. For example, walking or cycling.

Active travel has economic, social, health and environmental benefits. It is a key priority for the Scottish Government and Angus Council. The Scottish Government has committed to reduce car kilometres travelled by 20% by 2030.

Our proposals

We want to make it easier for people in the area to travel on foot and by bike more often for their local journeys.

We've been working with Systra Ltd, looking at previous work in the community, to develop proposals for active travel in Kirriemuir.

We've identified areas and routes that would make it easier to travel on foot or bike.

Elsewhere on this page you'll see links to:

  • information about the study area
  • current conditions for active travel
  • possible future developments
  • proposed objectives

At this early stage the featured options are only indications of the proposed routes and not precise.

Have your say

Let us know know what you think about our proposals by completing our short survey:

Kirriemuir active travel survey

We are particularly interested in the Kirriemuir area but we will consider all comments for future projects.


There may be something you think we have missed. For example, a difficult road to cross or a path needing upgrading. You can add a pin to our map along with your comments, so we know the exact location you are talking about.

There is a link to the map elsewhere on this page.

What happens next

Your comments will help us identify priorities for future projects. This way, we'll know what projects to develop if funding becomes available.

The survey will be open until Thursday 29 February 2024.

Help shape active travel in Angus.

Help us create a better environment to walk, wheel and cycle in Kirriemuir.

About active travel

Active travel means travelling in physically active ways. For example, walking or cycling.

Active travel has economic, social, health and environmental benefits. It is a key priority for the Scottish Government and Angus Council. The Scottish Government has committed to reduce car kilometres travelled by 20% by 2030.

Our proposals

We want to make it easier for people in the area to travel on foot and by bike more often for their local journeys.

We've been working with Systra Ltd, looking at previous work in the community, to develop proposals for active travel in Kirriemuir.

We've identified areas and routes that would make it easier to travel on foot or bike.

Elsewhere on this page you'll see links to:

  • information about the study area
  • current conditions for active travel
  • possible future developments
  • proposed objectives

At this early stage the featured options are only indications of the proposed routes and not precise.

Have your say

Let us know know what you think about our proposals by completing our short survey:

Kirriemuir active travel survey

We are particularly interested in the Kirriemuir area but we will consider all comments for future projects.


There may be something you think we have missed. For example, a difficult road to cross or a path needing upgrading. You can add a pin to our map along with your comments, so we know the exact location you are talking about.

There is a link to the map elsewhere on this page.

What happens next

Your comments will help us identify priorities for future projects. This way, we'll know what projects to develop if funding becomes available.

The survey will be open until Thursday 29 February 2024.

Help shape active travel in Angus.

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7 months

Please drag and drop pins onto the map.  Tell us your thoughts on the options suggested for this area.  Please feel free to comment on any other areas that may benefit from improvements using the comments function.

CLOSED: This map consultation has concluded.