Arbroath: Long-Term Plan for Towns Fund

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This is our space for the Arbroath: Long-Term Plan for Towns Fund.

In October 2023 the UK Government launched its 'Long-Term Plan for Towns' as part of the Levelling-Up programme.

Arbroath has been selected as part of a second funding phased of towns is March 2024 and will receive £20 million in endowment-style funding over 10 years from 2024/25.

Detailed guidance was published on the process for establishing a Town Board to develop and deliver a Long-Term Plan for each town.

The Town Board is to be independently chaired and be formed to represent community interests, business perspectives and public organisations.

The Long-Term Plan they will develop must include a 10-year vision, and an initial 3-year investment plan.

Questions and answers

What area of Arbroath is to be included? Can outlying towns be included?

The boundary is provided by the UK Government. This is fairly tightly drawn round the edge of Arbroath although can be subject to very minor amendment the boundary can be negotiated slightly, however only marginally and not to include any other settlements.

What support will the Board have?

The programme funding includes capacity building funding to support the establishment of the Board and its early stages, particularly the preparation if its Long-term Vision and first three-year Investment Plan.

The Board will need to consider what support it might need long-term and to look at how this is best achieved through the programme.

Who makes the decision as to how the Capacity Building funding is spent?

The initial £50k of capacity funding is provided direct to Angus Council to support the development of the board and the further £200k is for the Town Board to determine how it is used.

Can an individual be part of the Town Board ?

Yes, although anyone putting themselves forward to join the Town Board should already be members of local groups and organisations, or have relevant experience.

How to keep informed

Further information about the Long-Term Plan for Towns can be found in the following documents:-

If you have any further queries about the role or the process, please email

You can also stay informed using the “Subscribe” button to receive updates about news, events and other activities related to the fund

For the latest updates, see the News feed below.

This is our space for the Arbroath: Long-Term Plan for Towns Fund.

In October 2023 the UK Government launched its 'Long-Term Plan for Towns' as part of the Levelling-Up programme.

Arbroath has been selected as part of a second funding phased of towns is March 2024 and will receive £20 million in endowment-style funding over 10 years from 2024/25.

Detailed guidance was published on the process for establishing a Town Board to develop and deliver a Long-Term Plan for each town.

The Town Board is to be independently chaired and be formed to represent community interests, business perspectives and public organisations.

The Long-Term Plan they will develop must include a 10-year vision, and an initial 3-year investment plan.

Questions and answers

What area of Arbroath is to be included? Can outlying towns be included?

The boundary is provided by the UK Government. This is fairly tightly drawn round the edge of Arbroath although can be subject to very minor amendment the boundary can be negotiated slightly, however only marginally and not to include any other settlements.

What support will the Board have?

The programme funding includes capacity building funding to support the establishment of the Board and its early stages, particularly the preparation if its Long-term Vision and first three-year Investment Plan.

The Board will need to consider what support it might need long-term and to look at how this is best achieved through the programme.

Who makes the decision as to how the Capacity Building funding is spent?

The initial £50k of capacity funding is provided direct to Angus Council to support the development of the board and the further £200k is for the Town Board to determine how it is used.

Can an individual be part of the Town Board ?

Yes, although anyone putting themselves forward to join the Town Board should already be members of local groups and organisations, or have relevant experience.

How to keep informed

Further information about the Long-Term Plan for Towns can be found in the following documents:-

If you have any further queries about the role or the process, please email

You can also stay informed using the “Subscribe” button to receive updates about news, events and other activities related to the fund

For the latest updates, see the News feed below.

  • Town Board & Chair

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    Angus Council has been asked to support the setup of the Town Board for Arbroath and information events were held on the 8 and 13 May 2024.

    Six nominations for the independent chairperson were received and following assessment a recommendation for Chair will be reported to the meeting of Angus Council of the 20 June.

    Nominations for the Town Board closed on Monday 3 June. Once appointed the Chair will work with officers to appoint board members thereafter.

  • Video recording of online meeting event, Monday 13 May 2024

    Share Video recording of online meeting event, Monday 13 May 2024 on Facebook Share Video recording of online meeting event, Monday 13 May 2024 on Twitter Share Video recording of online meeting event, Monday 13 May 2024 on Linkedin Email Video recording of online meeting event, Monday 13 May 2024 link

    This is a presentation about the Arbroath Long Term Partnership for Towns and how to get involved as the Chair or as members of the new Town Board. This online event was held on Monday 13 May 2024.

  • Search for Chair and board members

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    Angus Council is starting recruitment for a Chair and board members to become the new Arbroath Town Board that will decide how to spend funding of up to £20 million, awarded to the town as part of the 2024-25 UK Government budget Levelling Up fund.

    The key characteristic of the Long-Term Plan for Towns fund is that decisions around how to spend the fund will be decided by a new Town Board, made up of local community and business leaders, who will draw up their town’s Long-Term Plan for the next 10 years.

    This means that the first task is to find a suitable Chair, who should be a champion for the town and provide leadership for the Town Board, ensuring that it is community-led and embedded within the local area. The board must have a clear focus on solving local issues and building a town fit for the future through ambitious, visionary projects.

    Working with the new Chair, Angus Council will then help to establish the Town Board who know and understand Arbroath, and who bring together all its many different opportunities and issues.

    It will then support the Board to develop an Investment Plan that will set out the long-term plan and ambitions and develops long-term plans.

    The Chair:

    Given the importance of their role, the Chair should be someone who already holds a prominent role within the town, such as:

    • a member of a local charitable organisation
    • a local business leader or employer
    • a philanthropist
    • the head of the Further Education College
    • a director for the NHS Board or Trust
    • a director of a football club

    Elected representatives, such as MPs, MSPs, or local or community councillors, cannot chair the Town Board.

    The Board:

    Members of the board should already be members of local groups and organisations or run a business locally and could for example come from:

    • community partners, such as community groups, faith groups and local charities
    • local businesses and social enterprises
    • key cultural, arts, heritage, and sporting organisations
    • public sector agencies such as schools subject to local priorities
    • Angus Council elected members, the local MSP, and the local community council

    The local MP and a representative of Police Scotland are required to be on the Town Board.

    To find out more or nominate a Chair or board members