Angus Local Heat & Energy Efficiency Strategy and Delivery Plan

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Tell us what you think about our Draft Angus Local Heat & Energy Efficiency Strategy and Delivery Plan.

What is LHEES?

The Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategies (Scotland) Order 2022 places a duty on Local Authorities to prepare a Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES) and Delivery Plan.

The LHEES is a place-based approach to improving energy efficiency and decarbonising heat across Angus. It refers to various geographic areas of Angus throughout the document. The interactive LHEES web map has a number of layers to help you navigate through these geographic areas and their characteristics, which are referred to in the LHEES. The PDF user guide has guidance on using the map.


The aim of the Angus LHEES is to 'Improve the energy efficiency of buildings and ensure a just transition to decarbonised heat sources across Angus to reduce Fuel Poverty and contribute towards achieving Net Zero emissions'.

Progressing LHEES

The Delivery Plan is a document setting out how the Council proposes to support implementation of the Angus LHEES.

How to have your say

We are keen to hear your opinion on the Draft Angus Local Heat & Energy Efficiency Strategy and Delivery Plan. Please read the Strategy and Delivery Plan documents, then take the survey below.

What happens next

The survey closes on 2 August 2024. We will analyse the public consultation response and review the Strategy and Delivery which will be reported to committee for approval. Updates will be sent out to everyone who signs up to stay informed.

Tell us what you think about our Draft Angus Local Heat & Energy Efficiency Strategy and Delivery Plan.

What is LHEES?

The Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategies (Scotland) Order 2022 places a duty on Local Authorities to prepare a Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES) and Delivery Plan.

The LHEES is a place-based approach to improving energy efficiency and decarbonising heat across Angus. It refers to various geographic areas of Angus throughout the document. The interactive LHEES web map has a number of layers to help you navigate through these geographic areas and their characteristics, which are referred to in the LHEES. The PDF user guide has guidance on using the map.


The aim of the Angus LHEES is to 'Improve the energy efficiency of buildings and ensure a just transition to decarbonised heat sources across Angus to reduce Fuel Poverty and contribute towards achieving Net Zero emissions'.

Progressing LHEES

The Delivery Plan is a document setting out how the Council proposes to support implementation of the Angus LHEES.

How to have your say

We are keen to hear your opinion on the Draft Angus Local Heat & Energy Efficiency Strategy and Delivery Plan. Please read the Strategy and Delivery Plan documents, then take the survey below.

What happens next

The survey closes on 2 August 2024. We will analyse the public consultation response and review the Strategy and Delivery which will be reported to committee for approval. Updates will be sent out to everyone who signs up to stay informed.

  • Welcome to the Angus Local Heat & Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES) and Delivery Plan consultation survey.

    There are 13 questions in this survey.

    Take Survey
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