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Tell us what's important to you

Let us know what is important to you, and what you think is important for Angus.  

We refer to other documents in the survey, you can find out more about them by clicking on the links below.

Tay Cities Regional Deal

Transition to Net Zero Action Plan 2022/30

Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP)

0% answered

Priorities and actions

We group our priorities under three headings:

  • Caring for our Economy 
  • Caring for our People 
  • Caring for our Place

Each priority has a set of actions to achieve these priorities. Rate the priorities and actions in order of importance, and use the free text box if you think other things are more important.

Caring for our economy

Support long term economic growth, particularly in offshore renewable energy.
Encourage and invest in jobs across Angus which pay fairly and treat employees equally and with respect.
Support new entrepreneurship across Angus.
Continue to maximise UK and Scottish Government funding which supports economic growth, such as the Tay Cities Regional Deal.
Support and deliver training and other programmes that help people into work and support businesses to grow and invest in Angus.
Look for more commercial opportunities in our contracts and support local business to grow whenever possible through a community wealth building approach (Community wealth building puts money back into the local economy and helps residents by building a strong local economy. Learn more at