Proposed Changes at Arbroath Library and Re-Location of Archives

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This consultation has now closed and responses are being reviewed.

We want your views on the design proposals to:

  • improve the delivery of face-to-face library and ACCESS services at Arbroath Library
  • improve the storage and public access to the council’s archives

Read the proposals in full

Summary of proposed changes

Improvements to Arbroath Library/ACCESS Facilities

  • upgrade of existing reception
  • addition of a private meeting room
  • relocation of the Learning Shop into the area of the main library where the local history section is currently located

Local history resources

Most, but not all, local history resources would be moved from all Angus libraries to the first floor of Arbroath Library.

The process where members of the public can ask for resources to be delivered to their local library would continue.

Relocating archives to Arbroath Library

Angus Council's archives are currently housed at Hunter Library, Restenneth, Forfar. The lease for Hunter Library expires in 2025. ANGUSalive have determined that continuing the service at this location is not viable.

It is proposed to relocate the archive materials to Arbroath Library. Arbroath Library is a fully accessible building, located near the town centre with rail and bus transport links.

The archives would be housed on the first floor of the library building, using part of the current art gallery space.

This proposal would retain the service while delivering savings and reducing the council’s property estate.

Community Learning Shop

Access to the Community Learning Shop would be improved by moving it to the ground floor.

A temporary location would be needed while the move takes place. When a suitable space is identified, citizens would be notified through the council's communication channels.


Wedding ceremonies are currently held in the Corsar Art Gallery. This would not be possible after the proposed changes. We will review the potential to continue to offer Arbroath Library as a wedding venue. ANGUSalive have made alternative venues available at the Webster Theatre and Signal Tower Museum.

Art gallery

The design proposals would allow the display of artwork (including both Brueghel paintings) to continue on the perimeter walls of the two gallery spaces.

Temporary decant arrangements

The current library/ACCESS services would be decanted during the improvement works. It is proposed to use the community and general purpose spaces at Saltire Sports Centre. These spaces are close to the main entrance and reception areas. There would also be a private space for discussing sensitive matters.

Library and ACCESS services

The integration of library and ACCESS services has already been agreed (Report 364/22). It will therefore not form part of this consultation exercise.

How to have your say

The consultation period will start Tuesday 18 June 2024 and will run for 6 weeks.

Submit your comments, feedback or ideas on the design proposals using the feedback tab below.

Paper copies of comment forms will be available in:

  • Arbroath Library
  • Hunter Library
  • Arbroath Sports Centre
  • Saltire Centre

What happens next

The consultation period will end on Tuesday 30 July 2024. Responses will be reported to the Policy and Resources Committee on 3 September 2024 . The committee will consider the outcomes and next steps.

We want your views on the design proposals to:

  • improve the delivery of face-to-face library and ACCESS services at Arbroath Library
  • improve the storage and public access to the council’s archives

Read the proposals in full

Summary of proposed changes

Improvements to Arbroath Library/ACCESS Facilities

  • upgrade of existing reception
  • addition of a private meeting room
  • relocation of the Learning Shop into the area of the main library where the local history section is currently located

Local history resources

Most, but not all, local history resources would be moved from all Angus libraries to the first floor of Arbroath Library.

The process where members of the public can ask for resources to be delivered to their local library would continue.

Relocating archives to Arbroath Library

Angus Council's archives are currently housed at Hunter Library, Restenneth, Forfar. The lease for Hunter Library expires in 2025. ANGUSalive have determined that continuing the service at this location is not viable.

It is proposed to relocate the archive materials to Arbroath Library. Arbroath Library is a fully accessible building, located near the town centre with rail and bus transport links.

The archives would be housed on the first floor of the library building, using part of the current art gallery space.

This proposal would retain the service while delivering savings and reducing the council’s property estate.

Community Learning Shop

Access to the Community Learning Shop would be improved by moving it to the ground floor.

A temporary location would be needed while the move takes place. When a suitable space is identified, citizens would be notified through the council's communication channels.


Wedding ceremonies are currently held in the Corsar Art Gallery. This would not be possible after the proposed changes. We will review the potential to continue to offer Arbroath Library as a wedding venue. ANGUSalive have made alternative venues available at the Webster Theatre and Signal Tower Museum.

Art gallery

The design proposals would allow the display of artwork (including both Brueghel paintings) to continue on the perimeter walls of the two gallery spaces.

Temporary decant arrangements

The current library/ACCESS services would be decanted during the improvement works. It is proposed to use the community and general purpose spaces at Saltire Sports Centre. These spaces are close to the main entrance and reception areas. There would also be a private space for discussing sensitive matters.

Library and ACCESS services

The integration of library and ACCESS services has already been agreed (Report 364/22). It will therefore not form part of this consultation exercise.

How to have your say

The consultation period will start Tuesday 18 June 2024 and will run for 6 weeks.

Submit your comments, feedback or ideas on the design proposals using the feedback tab below.

Paper copies of comment forms will be available in:

  • Arbroath Library
  • Hunter Library
  • Arbroath Sports Centre
  • Saltire Centre

What happens next

The consultation period will end on Tuesday 30 July 2024. Responses will be reported to the Policy and Resources Committee on 3 September 2024 . The committee will consider the outcomes and next steps.

Feedback on the Design Proposals

The proposals relate to changes to the existing use of the Arbroath Library building; a change to the location of service delivery (Hunter Library Archives moving from Forfar to the first floor of the Arbroath Library building); and design changes to the Library/ACCESS facilities.  

Please provide any ideas, comments or feedback on the design proposals.  A copy of the plans can be found here.

Please note that usernames will be displayed so you may wish to use an alternative name in order to remain anonymous. 

This consultation has now closed and responses are being reviewed.

CLOSED: This discussion has concluded.

To spend £290k to save £10k Pa running costs at Restenneth does not seem prudent.
To move local history from local libraries to Arbroath is a retrograde step. Anyone going research on local history needs to browse the references available on the library shelves , not as suggested in the proposal, order a book to be sent from Arbroath.
Why not be more honest and call it Arbroath Archives instead.?
Another nail in the coffin for local libraries from the dead hands of Angus Alive senior management and Directors

Norman Mackenzie 7 months ago

Excellent idea - the upstairs gallery is underused. Has there been any thoughts about temp relocation space - the refurbished Arbroath Vourt house is watertight and could be available and is reasonably close to existing library?

Margate 7 months ago

I am not opposed to the move from Restenneth to Arbroath. I live in a wee village not far from forfar and we have fairly regular busses coming through to Arbroath from Forfar. Busses are more accessible than a car, which you do currently need to get to the current location at Hunter Library. I am sympathetic to more out of the way regions, like those living in the Angus Glen having to travel further, which is why i'm leaning towards keeping the local history books in their respective libraries, with the option to have some of the more rare items from archives delivered, i don't think that is a bad idea, as surely archives already have copies of some of these local history books? Im am spoiled by university online archives that i have access too as a historian and researcher and i think maybe a future goal could be to streamline AngusAlives Digital records, so some of them can be accessed from home. I work in the heritage sector and did my masters on it, i know we are suffering across the whole of the Scotland and beyond, so i understand the need to move to a more viable location if it means Angus has a cultural and historical sector that provides jobs and training and it's not all volunteer ran. i would hate for all the skilled labour within libraries and other similar institutions to go to the big cities, i think that will be a loss to angus and the already loss of skilled labour from the rural to the cities.

S Wilson, FSA Scot 7 months ago

I am totally against the Archives being moved from Restenneth to Arbroath. A History group in Tannadice have given many important items to Huntery library and I know that many people from Kirriemuir and the Glens will not come all the way to Arbroath to peruse them. Forfar is the County Town and the Archives should stay in Restenneth. Definitely viable.

Lorna M Bruce 7 months ago

This is an excellent proposal. The archives at Restennth Priory are difficult to get to if you don’t drive. This will make them much more accessible.

Linda F 7 months ago

Removed by moderator. 7 months ago

I think having the archives in Arbroath is a great idea.

looby 8 months ago

I think it would be a real shame if weddings can no longer take place in the library. It is a beautiful wedding venue

JG24 8 months ago

Would the opening hours be changed for Arbroath Library? Right now its like it's only open for 3 minutes and 27 seconds every third full moon but only if Venus is in Pluto and it's not a bank holiday!

LBar 8 months ago

I think it would be a good thing to have the archives moved to Arbroath they would be easily accessed by anyone in Angus as bus services are available from every town and village. At the moment you need to be able to have a car.

MMMc 8 months ago

What a ridiculous propposal to relocate the archive materials to Arbroath Library. Arbroath Library is not readily accessible fir the majority of Angus residents.
As a local historian I think this is a deliberate snub to the folk frae the braes o Angus.

D G Orr 8 months ago

Local archives should remain in the local libraries and not be moved to Arbroath. Less Local people will be able to access and many may be be unable to travel not only due to the costs but the lack of reliable public transport. Leave these Local. Archives from Restenneth would be more easily accessed by the public at Arbroath library however it would be beneficial if the catalogue was digital and could be borrowed to Local libraries for those who couldn't travel.

Annemarie 8 months ago

Proposed changes are fine and seem good for the library — unsure if it’s ever happened yet, but updating any technology and available books would also be good.

B 8 months ago

Why has serious consideration been given to utilising Edzell Inglis Memorial Hall as an archive base. It is a wonderful historic building with it's own library and cultural area and the main hall area could be used to house all the historic items form over Angus. It has been handed back form Angus Alive to the Council so better to use that sit with sporadic use but still requiring maintenance and running costs.

Ferrier 8 months ago

I think it’s fantastic arbroath could house the archives. There is more public transport to arbroath from the rest of Angus it was always difficult to get to restenneth. The Arbroath library is already equipped with more up to date mobility access. There is plenty of space upstairs in arbroath library which is currently under utilised. The only thing I would like to see considered on the plans is a study area of some sort for students who do not have a safe or quiet space at home to study. I think this is something the council should provide for citizens. It doesn’t have to be a large space.

Morag 8 months ago

I think moving the archives to Arbroath would be great. Where Angus archives is currently located could be quite hard to reach if you don't drive

Ns 8 months ago

I don't agree with the local history collections of each library going to Arbroath Library. Some of these were bequests, intended to be used at their respective libraries. Why can't they be held in their intended library...they are just as much part of the library as the fiction books or reference books. I wouldn't expect to travel to Arbroath to view Forfar material and it puts a strain on the delivery driver/van. Keep each town's collection in the rightful town...not centralised. Its bad enough we are losing town museums without this too, soon there will be only 1 library/museum for us all!

Mouse 8 months ago

All good sensible proposals.

Fish 8 months ago

Bearing in mind there is going to be a cost of circa £250K to implement this, why not use the Saltire Centre (as previously considered) instead where I suspect the cost of implementation would be less. It is equally accessible. How accessible was the Hunter Library at Restenneth? Why the need for further costly change at Arbroath Library??

David Cheape 8 months ago

Removing all Local History collections from the individual libraries is a disservice to our very loyal customers. Daily there are customers who come in to read old newspapers and look through photos held in books from our Local History collection. Yes, they could order these items and wait for them to be delivered but why put more pressure on our already over worked delivery person and his tiny van that is not fit for purpose? Why force our customers to wait a week and often longer for each item? That is not good service; it is poor planning.
Also, please 1. ask the current Arbroath and Archives staff about the furniture needs since they know best what will work and why, and 2. consider the building design when purchasing furnishings. Modern furnishings in a modern building looks good (think Carnoustie Library) modern furnishings in a traditional building looks garish and creates an uncomfortable environment for both employees and customers (think Montrose Library).

Libraries First 8 months ago